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Stay Well in Hospital

The Stay Well in Hospital campaign is aimed at staff, patients and their families. It’s about working together to keep patients safe and well whilst they are in the care of the Trust. There are four elements to the campaign – Hydration, Mobility, Dressed is Best and Nutrition.

SWINH Logo Ext.pngEast Cheshire NHS Trust's 'Stay Well in Hospital campaign' aims to provide patients with a better care experience by ensuring they are discharged from hospital without unnecessary delay. 

Prolonged stays in hospital are bad for patients, especially for those who are frail or elderly. Spending a long time in hospital can lead to an increased risk of falling, sleep deprivation, catching infections and sometimes mental and physical deconditioning.

It’s about working together to keep patients safe and well whilst they are in the care of the Trust. There are four elements to the campaign – Hydration, Mobility, Dressed is Best and Nutrition with further information on these avaliable below.

Hydration Matters

Dehydration affects our physical and mental health. It can affect our mood and feelings as well as our body. Signs of dehydration include dark urine, tiredness, dry mouth and headaches and it can result in urinary tract infections and confusion in some cases.

It’s recommended that people should drink around six-eight glasses of water or two litres per day for healthy adults but staying hydrated when in hospital can be a challenge for some patients.

  • Try to have a drink at regular intervals throughout the day. If you cannot manage large amounts, try to have small sips throughout the day instead. Keep a drink close by to remind yourself to drink regularly and to keep track on how much you are managing.
  • You could try using a straw in your glass or a sports bottle cap on your bottle of fluid.
  • If you have difficulty preparing drinks for yourself, ask staff to leave drinks beside you or somewhere you can easily access them.
  • Foods can contribute to your fluid intake also, such as ice lollies, soup, stews, yoghurts and jelly. Some fruits and vegetables, such as melon, tomatoes and cucumber, are also good sources of fluid.
  • If you feel thirsty all the time it could be that you have a health condition such as diabetes. Please check with your doctor if you are concerned.
  • If you have problems swallowing liquids or are coughing whilst eating or drinking please speak to your healthcare professional.

The posters below provide further information on the importance of keeping hydrated and avoiding dehydration.

Simple steps to stay active during your hospital stay

  • Sit up for all meals. Out of bed in your chair if possible is best.
  • Take small steps often.
  • Friends and family can help you exercise if you've been given some to do.
  • Walk to the toilet if you are able to, if you need help to stay steady or a walking aid (such as a zimmer frame or stick) let us know.
  • If you need help getting out of bed, please ask a nurse to help - use your call bell.

Mobility Matters

Maintaining mobility in hospital is important for patients, as it helps to prevent deconditioning and falls.

A stay in hospital can make you feel weaker than normal and everyday tasks can feel challenging and tiring. Despite this, staying as active as possible whilst you recover from your illness or injury in hospital is very important.

Being immobile can lead to additional health problems including hospital-acquired pneumonia, pressure ulcers, dehydration, DVTs and adverse effects on emotional and mental wellbeing. It can also increase your risk of blood clots.

To avoid venous thromboembolism (VTE), you'll be encouraged to move about the ward regularly. You'll be given as much assistance as you need to move about.

Occupational Therapists (OTs) at the Trust, Chloe Grindley and Simran Sequeira feature in a short video which incorporates key messages and tips from the Trust’s ‘Dressed is Best’ campaign, which focuses on the importance of mobility and aims to reduce the length of time patients spend in hospital and speed up their recovery.

Many patients, particularly older people, who spend time in hospital find that they no longer feel able, or confident, to live independently, or take part in their usual activities when they are discharged.

This is because of the impact that spending an extended amount of time in bed can have on the body. In fact, for every ten days of bed rest in hospital, the equivalent of ten years of muscle ageing can occur in people over 80 years old, and building this muscle strength back up takes twice as long as it does to deteriorate.

Getting up, dressed, and moving during the day while spending time in hospital can help patients to avoid falls and maintain their mobility, reduce their risk of skin damage and chest infections, enhance their sleep quality, mood and appetite, and even get home quicker and recover better. 

Watch the video below...