Attend Anywhere Video Consultations
With the support of NHS England and NHS Improvement we are now offering video consultations - Attend Anywhere - to some of our patients. This forms part of our COVID-19 (Coronavirus) response.
The decision to offer this type of appointment will be made by a medical professional depending on your individual care needs.
Video consultations are easy to use and are often more convenient – saving you time and money.
Attend Anywhere is a secure web-based platform for patients with pre-arranged video consultation appointments. You can use the platform on any PC, Mac or iOS / Android device, using Google Chrome (for PC / Mac / Android devices) or Safari (For iOS devices and Macs).
My appointment
If you are due to have a video consultation, we will schedule your appointment as normal and send you the details of the appointment date and time.
Find out more about how your consultation will work:
Before your appointment, please test your equipment. You can do this here:
On the date and time of your appointment you will be able to enter your clinic below via the ‘start video call’ button. It is a good idea to enter the waiting room a few minutes early.
Ensure you complete all details including your date of birth and a phone number we can call you back on if there are any difficulties. We will not store the details you submit and any details will be transferred securely.
The Outpatients Department
The Outpatients Department provides a service for patients who have been referred for an expert medical opinion and or treatment for medical conditions, or are being reviewed after initial appointments or treatment/surgery.
Our departmental objectives
Our philosophy within the Outpatient Department is to treat everyone with dignity and respect. Patients are to be given the appropriate information, treatment and support.
We aim to provide a welcoming and safe environment to all our patients and on arrival at the department; patients will be greeted by our experienced nursing and reception staff.
We frequently audit our service in order to continually enhance our patients’ experience.
On arrival at the Outpatient Department
On entering the main hospital entrance there are volunteers who can direct you anywhere within the hospital. Our volunteers are able to provide a wheelchair service should this be required. There is a WRVS shop and café area for light refreshments, magazines and newspapers.
If you have an outpatient appointment, please report to the outpatient reception desk. Please give your appointment letter to a member of the reception team so that your arrival can be recorded.
You will be asked to confirm your personal details, eg your name, address, date of birth, next of kin and your general practitioner. This information is extremely important in ensuring your patient records are kept up to date and will remain confidential.
We offer a coaster system to patients who wish to leave the department for refreshments should there be a delay in clinic. You will be recalled back to the department as soon as the doctor/nurse is ready to see you. Please ask our reception staff for further information.
After your appointment, you will be given a form to give to our reception staff. This will give us the information that we need to provide you with a follow up appointment if necessary.
Who will I see?
We work with a wide variety of staff within outpatients including Consultants and their medical teams, specialist nurses, dental nurses, qualified nurses, health care workers, dieticians and various clerical support staff.
We also support medical and nursing students as well as students from local schools and colleges who are considering a career within the National Health Service.
Opening Times
The Outpatient Department is open from 8.30am until 5.00pm, Monday to Friday. However, extra clinics are often scheduled in the evening and at the weekend.
Special Assistance and Mobility
If you require any special assistance, have any mobility needs or should need any equipment, please let us know prior to attending for your appointment. If the date or time is not suitable, please contact us as soon as possible to rearrange the appointment; if you fail to attend your appointment for any reason, it may result in your discharge from the service.
Check in Kiosk
Please ensure to check-in upon your arrival in the clinic, in some locations you will find electronic check-in kiosks for you to do this yourself. Please be aware that the self-check-in kiosks will not allow you to check-in more than 15 minutes prior to your appointment time. If a barcode is shown at the bottom of your letter, you will be able to scan this at the kiosk to check-in. Where a kiosk is not available please book in at the Reception Desk. Patients will be called from the waiting area according to their appointment time and not the time that they arrived at the clinic, our staff will keep you informed of any delays.
Should you be issued with a hospital prescription to collect your medication from the hospital pharmacy as part of your appointment, please be aware that payment will be required unless you are exempt from paying for prescriptions.
Timely access to services at East Cheshire NHS Trust
For information on our access policy, please click here.
Parking Information (including blue badge holders)
Please note that a camera-based parking system is in operation at Macclesfield Hospital. Patients attending Macclesfield Hospital must enter their vehicles full registration number when paying for parking and ensure to only park in a designated patient and visitor area. The car parking tariff at Macclesfield Hospital is applicable 24/7.
Parking time does not have to be purchased upon arrival and can be paid at any time up until midnight on the day of your visit. Please ensure that you note the time of your arrival and pay the correct tariff for the duration of your stay. Please see local signage onsite for further information.
Blue badge holders are exempt from the car parking tariff. In order to register your vehicle for free parking at Macclesfield Hospital, please present your Blue Badge to the reception staff at either the Main, A&B, Orthopaedic, or New Alderley House reception desks. For more information please refer to our Car Parking page.
Patients are reminded not to bring any valuables, such as large amounts of money or expensive personal items, into the Trust. Any property that is brought with you will be at your own discretion and its safe keeping will be your responsibility, the Trust does not accept any liability for any property that is lost or damaged.
Contacting the booking team
You can most quickly and easily contact our Booking Centre by calling the number in the header of this letter, but you are also able to leave a message on our freephone number (0800 137 962), or contact us via email using the email address at the top of this letter if you prefer. Alternatively, you are able to write to the Booking Centre with any enquiries by sending a letter to the address shown at the top of this letter.
When contacting the Booking Centre, please include the following information in your message to allow us to accurately access your details and deal with your query: *The patients' full name *The patients' date of birth & NHS No. (at the top of this letter) *Date and time of the appointment (if applicable) *A suitable contact telephone number *A brief explanation of your enquiry
Please be aware that a member of the Booking Centre will attempt to contact you by telephone in regards to your enquiry where it is necessary and this will be from a blocked or withheld number; we are unable to reply to emailed requests due to the security of our network, and patient confidentiality.
East Cheshire NHS Trust provides a free automated reminder service for appointments, this will be a text message if we have a mobile telephone number listed in your records, or alternatively, an automated voice-message if we only have your landline number.
Friends and Family test
The NHS wants to ensure that you have the best possible experience of care. The Friends and Family Questionnaire is a way of gathering your feedback about this experience and helping to drive improvement in hospital services. You will receive a questionnaire in the form of a text message within 48 hours following your outpatient appointment, you do not have to complete this questionnaire if you do not wish to, but your feedback will be valuable in improving our services.
If you do not have a mobile telephone number, you may complete an online or a paper copy. You can find more details about the Friends and Family questionnaire by clicking this link. You can contact our Booking Centre to give us your most up-to-date contact details or to opt out of these services.
Data protection and confidentiality
East Cheshire NHS Trust employees collect, store and use large amounts of personal data every day, such as medical records and personal information, in both computerised and paper formats. We take our duty to protect your personal data and confidentiality very seriously, and we are committed to taking all reasonable measures to ensure the confidentiality and security of personal data for which we are responsible. Details of the types of information we collect, how we use it and your rights as the data subject are included in our Fair Processing (Privacy) Notice, which can be found on our Patient Confidentiality webpage by clicking here.
How to contact us
If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact us and a member of our outpatient staff will be available to help you.
Booking centre: 01625 663333. The booking centre is open from 8.30am until 4.15pm. Due to staffing levels, the call centre system may be turned off earlier than usual and the patient is advised to call back the next working day.
Free answerphone service: 0800 137962 (where you can leave a message).
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