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Pharmacy Services - our pharmacy team provide expert help, advice and dispensary services to all of the trust's services,  through ensuring the best use of medicines, and providing information about medicines to both patients and to the professionals who treat them.


The dispensary process

Processing a prescription involves a series of checks at each stage of activity. These are necessary to ensure that each prescription is appropriate for the individual.

  • At reception- Your details are checked, and any allergies noted.
  • Clinical check- Is the dose appropriate? Are there any interactions with your current medicine?
  • Dispensing- Your medicine is labelled and dispensed for you.
  • Accuracy check- A final check is given to ensure that everything is correct.
  • Counselling- Your medicine is given to you and advice on how to take the medicines.



We dispense an average of 600 items every day (Monday to Friday). Average weekly number of items are 2,500 - 3,000 items.

Outpatient prescriptions represents 20% approximately of our total workload but in the main are from A&E Outpatients (emergency supplies of medicine), Gastroenterology (drugs used outside their licensing) – this may increase the turnaround time of these prescriptions.

The pharmacy is registered with the GPhC to allow sale of a small number of over the counter medicines to support both patients and staff in self-care.

The agreed dispensary KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) are as follows –

  • Outpatients – 80% within 20 minutes
  • Discharges – 80% within 60 minutes (At ward level – 90% within 60 minutes)


Multi-Disciplinary Team roles

Assistant technical officers - assist the team in all areas of the process, man the reception, dispense prescriptions, work in specialised areas, pick and supply Ward stock orders, check supplier orders and help with our robot.

Pharmacy technicians - Assist the pharmacist in all clinical and non-clinical roles, work at ward level, provide technical expertise, be responsible for medicine supply, provide dispensing, accuracy checking and counselling within the department and manage our robot.

Pharmacists - Clinically based at ward level, provide dispensary clinical check, assist in accuracy checking and when needed provide providing information about medicines to both patients and to the professionals who treat them.

Aseptic services - Organise supply of total parenteral nutrition (TPN) and monoclonal antibodies to inflammatory bowel disease patients.

Specialist Medicines Optimisation services – provided by Senior pharmacists who support specialist clinical services

Senior Management Team – Chief Pharmacist, Deputy Chief Pharmacist and Pharmacy Operational manager

Support Team - Involved in the Purchasing of medicines and clerical support.


Clinical trials

The Clinical Trials Unit - operates receipt and storage of trials, plus organisational support for trials governance, that is safe systems of dispensing and records keeping. The team work very closely with both the trust Research and Development Teams, and with national and regional research bodies.


Opening hours

  • Monday to Friday - 8.45am - 5pm
  • Saturday and Sunday - 10.30am - 2.30pm (restricted service)
  • Bank holidays - 10.30am - 2.30pm (restricted service)                                                                                                                                      Christmas Day - closed


About us


Job Role


James Parker

Chief Pharmacist and Controlled Drugs Accountable Officer

01625 661265

Monjur Ali

Interim Head of Pharmacy

01625 661267

Karen Waltho-Jones

Pharmacy Operational Manager

01625 663633

Rebecca Buckley

PA to Chief Pharmacist and Pharmacy Department Administrator

01625 663831

Lisa Brookes

Senior Pharmacy Technician - Procurement & Distribution

01625 663043

Ryan Wells

Senior Pharmacy Technician - Dispensary Manager and Ward Based Services

01625 663043

Carl Arries

Production Unit Manager

01625 663837


How to find us

How to find us: Enter by the main entrance and turn left. Past the WRVS shop turn left again into the corridor signposted Pharmacy. Then turn right into the Pharmacy Reception area.

Our address: Pharmacy Department, Macclesfield District General Hospital, Victoria Road, Macclesfield, Cheshire. SK10 3BL.

Pharmacy Dispensary 01625 661266 
Pharmacy Stores 01625 663836
Pharmacy Stock Order Line (internal only) 01625 661565 (answerphone)
Email (dispensary):
Email (store):


Frequently Asked Questions

1. How long will my prescription take?

Average times from when the prescription or discharge is received in the department are:

  • 20 minutes - Outpatient from A&E or clinics.
  • 60 minutes - Discharge from a ward.

2. Why does it take this time?

Processing your prescription involves a series of checks at each stage of activity. These are necessary to ensure your prescription is appropriate for you as an individual.

  • At reception- Your details are checked, and any allergies noted.
  • Clinical check- Is the dose appropriate? Are there any interactions with your current medication?
  • Dispensing- Your medicine is labelled for you.
  • Accuracy check- A final check that everything is correct.
  • Counselling - Your medicine is given to you and advice on how to take the medicines.

3. Do I have to pay?

If you are seen in a clinic and prescribed medicines you would be expected to pay the current prescription fee. Discharges do not incur any charges.

Exemptions to this are listed on the back of your prescription. Further exemptions would include ongoing oncology treatment.

4. I don't have any money with me, what do I do?

  • You could be issued with a bill - which can be paid at the cash office.
  • You could be advised that the drug can be bought over the counter at our Pharmacy shop.

5. Can I get my outpatient prescription from my local chemist?

No - this is a hospital-only prescription and can only be dispensed by this hospital Pharmacy Department.

6. Can I get my FP10 (green prescription from my GP) from the hospital pharmacy?

No - you must get this from your local pharmacy.