Our commitment
Here at Macclesfield we are passionate about the quality of care we provide, our woman-focused approach looks at your needs throughout each and every stage of your pregnancy. We provide maternity services at Macclesfield hospital and in the community of East Cheshire, supporting around 1400 women a year who give birth with us. Through our commitment to individualised care we aim to provide the best possible experience for pregnant people, babies and families, and are truly delighted that so many women not only choose to return to us for second and subsequent births, but also recommend us to family and friends.
Our philosophy of care demonstrates a patient centred maternity service, which is designed to meet individual needs and wishes throughout pregnancy, childbirth and the early days of parenthood. Our team believes in the importance of promoting normality in pregnancy, labour, and the postnatal period, the service will strive to maximise continuity of carer and one-to-one midwifery care throughout labour.
The team approach to midwifery care offers the opportunity to book directly with the team that is linked to your local children's centre and to continue with that team throughout your pregnancy and postnatal period. The benefits of this service mean you become more familiar with the midwives and they provide continuous support for women and their families either via telephone or face to face contact. Our safe, nurturing and high quality care is provided by a flexible integrated multidisciplinary team of dedicated healthcare professionals who centre the service around your individual needs, in line with our Trust values.
Contact information
Our high quality, evidenced based, safe and nurturing care is provided by a team of dedicated healthcare professionals who centre the service around your individual needs, in line with our Trust values.
When to call us:
Call: 01625 661857; 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
If you experience any of the following during your pregnancy please call us:
- Vaginal bleeding
- Early labour
- Constant tummy pain
- Your baby is not moving, or the movements are not the usual pattern
- Persistent headache not resolved with paracetamol
- Starred vision or disturbed vision
- Epigastric pain not resolved with antacids
- If you have any other concerns
Call: 01625 661148 or 01625 661155; 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
If you experience any of the following in the days after your birth please call us:
- If your bleeding is becoming heavier or you are passing clots
- You are concerned that your wound site is becoming infected (red, inflamed, painful, swelling, oozing)
- Your vaginal discharge is offensive, or your stitches become more painful
- You are concerned about your baby feeding or your baby is sleepy and not waking for feeds
- You feel unwell and/or feverish
- You have pain or swelling in your legs or feel short of breath
- If you have any other concerns
Call: 01625 661145; Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm
Make or rearrange community midwife appointments.
Call: 01625 661147; 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Our Services
Contact us
Email: Ecn-tr.maternity@nhs.net
Social Media
Twitter: ECNTMaternity
Facebook: Macclesfield maternity
Instagram: macclesfield_maternity
Privacy Notice
Confidentiality affects everyone: East Cheshire NHS Trust collects, stores and uses large amounts of personal data every day, such as medical records, personal records and computerised information. This data is used by many people in the course of their work.
For further information read our Privacy Notice
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