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Postnatal Care

The antenatal and postnatal care services at Macclesfield District General Hospital Maternity Unit prides itself in being a warm, friendly and clean environment in which you can get to know your new baby and start life as a family together with the support and guidance from our experienced maternity team.

Our aim is to continue to deliver individualised care into the postnatal period focusing on women’s choices and needs.

During your postnatal stay 

During your stay on the postnatal ward at Macclesfield District General Hospital our team of midwives will assess your needs on a daily basis. This assessment will include both yourself and your newborn baby. From this assessment the midwives will be able to tailor an individual care package that will meet all your physical and psychological needs in order to prepare you for discharge home and the transition into parenthood.

The midwives are supported by other health care professionals who help them care for our women and babies. These include specially trained maternity care assistants, health care assistants, newborn hearing screeners, paediatricians and obstetricians. We have a strong focus on team working within the unit to promote good communication, safe and effective care.

To compliment the midwives daily check your baby’s hearing will be assessed by our team of newborn hearing screeners. Your baby will also receive a full top to toe newborn examination from either a specially trained midwife or a paediatrician. This examination will include a check on your baby’s heart sounds, hips and provide an opportunity to discuss common problems and ailments that you may encounter in the postnatal period for example jaundice, nappy rash and colic.

The midwives caring for you will be able to advise you on the most suitable time for your discharge home. For some mums this may be an early discharge home on the same day as delivery if all is well and adequate support is available at home. It is recognised that pregnancy and delivery is a normal process and while the hospital environment is the chosen place for some women to deliver, postnatal care and recuperation is best in the home environment and it is advised support from your partner, family and friends is available on your return home. A 24 hour phone number is available for you to access midwifery advice and this will be given to you on discharge from hospital. You will also received follow-up care from the community team midwives which will consist of a home visit and an invitation to see them at the local children’s centre. 

Midwifery managers




Nicola Biggar 

Head of Midwifery and Women’s Services

01625 661146

Visiting times

For the security of women and their babies we would appreciate it if you could comply with the following visiting times: 

  • 9.00am – 11.00pm - Partners
  • 1.00pm – 4.00pm - Quiet time (no visitors)
  • 6.00pm – 8.00pm - Other visitors (maximum of four people)

Visiting outside these times is at the discretion of the midwife in charge. Only your own children may visit.

Ante/postnatal Ward: 01625 661148 or 01625 661155

All births in England, Wales and Northen Ireland must be registered within 42 days of the child being born. You can do this at local register office for the area where the baby was born.

If you cannot register the birth in the area where the baby was born, you can go to another register office, and they will send your details to the correct office.

You can find more information and book an appointment online here.

or call 0300 123 5019.'