Accessibility tools


How to provide feedback

We encourage you to leave feedback about the care you have received with us. There are a number of ways you can feedback to us which can be seen below.


While in hospital
Please speak to your midwife or obstetric team 24 hours a day.

NHS Friends and Family Test (FFT)
After your baby's birth, you will be invited to complete a Friends and Family questionnaire.

Maternity Voice Partnership (MVP)
The MVP is a forum for service users and representatives to work in partnership with staff to ensure our maternity services provide family-centred care and continuous improvement. We encourage you to provide feedback about your experience by getting involved with the team and help the future of maternity services.

Social Media
Inbox us to the accounts below - please remember that the inboxes are not monitored 24 hours a day

Twitter: ECNTMaternity
Facebook: Macclesfield maternity 
Instagram: macclesfield_maternity

Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)
If you would refer to speak to someone else about your experience, then please call our PALS team on 01625 661449.