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Bottle feeding information

If you are unable to breastfeed or choose to bottle feed your baby our team will support you to do so safely. If you intend to bottle feed, you will be required to bring your own supply of ready-made infant formula. This needs to be the first infant milk, we will supply sterile bottles and teats for you to use. Should your baby require formula milk for a medical reason this will be provided for you.

What milk do I need to use?
Your baby only requires Stage 1 newborn infant milk until they are one year old when you can switch to using full fat cows milk, unless your baby has been identified as having an allergy. You are not required to use any hungry baby or follow on milks. It doesn’t matter what brand of formula you choose as they are all very similar. For details information about different infant milk you can look at First Steps Nutrition’s Infant Milks Guide.

Safe Bottle Feeding
When bottle feeding your baby, you should offer them a feed when they are showing signs they are hungry, such as moving their head around, sucking their fingers or sticking out their togue. It is recommended most feeds are given by parents or your baby’s main care givers, this will ensure your baby feels safe and secure and helps you to build your bond with your baby.

The Guide to Bottle Feeding leaflet, provides information on sterilising bottles, safely making up powdered formula feeds and also answers common questions such as ‘How do I know my baby is getting enough milk’. You can access the UNICEF's Baby Friendly Initiatives bottle feeding assessment, which is used by midwives and health visitors, but can be used by parents to help assess if bottle feeding is going well.